
Central European Time (GMT + 02 – BST + 01)Description
9:15-09:30 amWelcome ceremony
09:30-10:00 amKeynote Lecture 1: Performance Management in the Era of Total Automation
Dr. Dennis Brandl – BR&L Consulting
10:00-10:30 amKeynote lecture 2: From noise to meaning: Measuring honest signals to unlock talent and drive business success
Prof. Andrea Fronzetti Colladon – University of Perugia
10:30-11:00 amBreak
11:00-11:15 amSituation Awareness Monitoring by Behaviour Detection and Model’s Processes Retroaction for Crew Member of Nuclear Power Plant
Yanfei Liu, Yuzhou Liu
Aleksandra Jovičić, Marija Savković, Ivan Mačužić, Djordje Milojević, Aleksandar Aleksić
Gianpaolo Di Bona
11:45 am-12:00 pmThe impact of solving barriers to the implementation of Quality 4.0 on the performance of the organization’s operations
Aleksandra Jovičić, Marija Savković, Ivan Mačužić, Miladin Stefanović
12:00-12:15 pmThe impact of venture capital on corporate social performance
SALIMA ALAMI, Karim Charaf
12:15-12:30 pmExploring the use of questionnaire as a tool to assess the Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)
Adnan Waqas, Raffaele Abbate, Mario Caterino, Pasquale Manco, Marta Rinaldi, Maria Antonientta Turino, Marcello Fera, Roberto Macchiaroli
12:30-12:45 pmWhy and how responsible organisations are assessing their performance: state of the practice in ethical, social and environmental accounting
Sergio España, Vijanti Ramautar, Sara Martín, Gudrun Thorsteinsdottir, Yulie Anneria Sinaga, Óscar Pastor
12:45-1:00 pmOKRs and Their Role in Modern Performance Management: A Critical Analysis of Benefits, Challenges, and Integration with Traditional Tools
Italo Cesidio Fantozzi, Sebastiano Di Luozzo, Massimiliano Maria Schiraldi
1:00-3:00 pmBreak
3:00-3:15 pmA conceptual framework for measuring the impact of LARG practices on logistics performance
Saverio Ferraro, Leonardo Leoni, Alessandra Cantini, Filippo De Carlo
Marija Savković, Carlo Caiazzo, Nikola Komatina, Marko Đapan, Arso Vukićević
3:30-3:45 pmLeveraging Micro-enterprise sustainability (SDG 8 and 9) through lean manufacturing approach
Sofía Del Pilar Guarino, Daniel Rossit, Adrián Castaño
3:45-4:00 pmOEE Review and Compatible Weighting Approach for OEE
Herman Tang
4:00-4:15 pmDesign of a ML model in CRM to identify leads in an IT company
Agustin Brau-Avila, Alonso Yocupicio-Zazueta, Federico Cirett-Galán
4:15 PMClosure ceremony

Instruction for authors

1. Introduction

Papers and abstracts should introduce novel aspects or present a case study related to the conference topics, which can be found at the following link: During the conference, a Best Paper Award and a Best Presentation Award will be assigned based on the reviewers’ and discussants’ comments. Moreover, the most relevant papers will be selected to be published into a Scopus-indexed procedia or with a dedicated ISBN code.

2. Publication Ethics

2.1 Standard for Publication

Authors should present an original and novel research, along with evidence of its usefulness and relevance. Any paper should contain enough information and data to allow others to replicate the work itself. Any inclusion of consciously misleading or inaccurate statements is regarded as unethical behavior, and as such it is considered unacceptable.

2.2 Originality and Plagiarism

The authors should submit an original work and any previous works of others should be properly cited or quoted. Accordingly, any influence related to works of others should be reported within the paper, otherwise it is considered as plagiarism.

2.3 Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Concurrent submission to more than one journal or conference is unacceptable. The authors should declare that the manuscript has not been published and that it is not currently under submission with another journal or conference.

2.4 Authorship of the Manuscript

Authorship should be given to anybody that has significantly contributed to the work. Moreover, the list and order of authors should be approved by any authors involved before publishing the manuscript. The corresponding author is tasked with guaranteeing that all the co-authors agreed to the final version of the manuscript and the author list. Furthermore, the corresponding author should inform the co-authors of any submission advances and decision on the submitted manuscript.

2.5 Conflict of Interest and Financial Resources

Any conflict of interest along with any financial support provided by external organization should be declared by the authors within the manuscript.

3. Preparation of the Manuscript

3.1 Manuscript Template and Format

The manuscript must present the mandatory Springer layout which can be downloaded at this link.

The authors are not allowed to change the template (including the paper margin) or the font style and size. Any file in PDF or Word format is accepted. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must provide the final version in camera-ready format both in PDF and Word format.

3.2 Manuscript Structure

The manuscript must include the following sections:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction providing a background
  • Methods/Methodology
  • Results/Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References

The manuscript could also include appendices if necessary. Furthermore, the manuscript length should be at least 8 pages, including references, but excluding appendices.

3.3 Figures, Tables, and Equations

Any figure or table must be associated with a proper caption. Moreover, any figure, table or equation should be addressed within the manuscript. Any figure or table that is not useful for the comprehension of the work should not be included.

3.4 References

Any relevant reference should be addressed within the text and should be reported in the reference section adopting the style specified within the layout.

3.5 Language

British and American English are the only accepted language.

3.6 Abstract

The abstract must have a maximum number of words equal to 300. The abstract should present a relevant summary of the manuscript.

3.7 Keywords

The authors must insert between 3 and 5 keywords.

4. Submission Process

All the submissions will be reviewed by 2 blind-reviewers and, if accepted, they will be presented during the conference as oral presentation. First, the authors are asked to submit the abstract using Fourwaves platform ( The abstract will be reviewed based on the relevance and the treated topics. Then, if an abstract is accepted, the authors are asked with the submission of the full manuscript using the former platform.

5. Presentation

Each accepted paper requires at least one presenter who is tasked with presenting the paper during the conference. The oral presentation should follow the manuscript flow and present all the relevant sections. The authors could adopt a customized template for the presentation, but posters are not accepted. If by any chance, no author is able to attend the conference, the paper will not be published.

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